Major Assignment
9/14: Drafting the Counterstory Assignment
Today you’ll work in small groups with the rubric for your Counterstory Assignment to move forward with this assignment. A good place to start is by access your websites, which are now linked in the right-hand navigation menu, and share your thinking with your group. Take turns sharing your work with each other, and when turning your attention to the rubric, discuss how you envision moving forward. Take notes for yourself to help you track your plan. What will you do next? What questions do you have? What are you excited about? Where are you stuck? I will circulate to answer questions. HOMEWORK Your shitty first draft of the Counterstory…
9/12: Style: Crafting Stock Story & Counterstory
You did great work last class with your lightening-round presentations of Martinez’s articles “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory” and “Alejandra Writes a Book”. We’re going to look more closely at both of those texts to understand Martinez’s style and the rhetorical strategies she uses to communicate her purpose to her audience. Starting with “Alejandra Writes a Book,” we’ll consider: We’ll then identify how these representations look different in “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory.” IN-CLASS WRITING On a sheet of paper, create two areas (columns, circles, use two sheets if you’d like, whatever feels right to you). In one area, start by making a list or writing notes about a…
9/7: Aja Martinez & Counterstory
Your job today is to craft a presentation of the text you were assigned for homework. Get into groups and discuss either Aja Martinez’s “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory” or Aja Martinez’s “Alejandra Writes a Book” (depending on which group you were assigned). Consider the questions below: