Rhetorical Analysis

A detailed timeline of draft activities is at the end of this page.

This project requires you to work in pairs to select a local activist organization and study the rhetorical strategies used by the organization. A list of student pairs and the organization each pair has chosen to analyze is here.

You will deliver content as a new website and use terms from Keith Grant-Davie’s article “Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents” to analyze the rhetorical situation of the organization your group chose.

Your project will receive an A if it structures content according to the following guidelines:

  • exigence: You will analyze the exigence of your organization on your site’s homepage, which will also serve as your project’s introduction.
  • rhetors: This will be a separate web page.
  • audience: This will be a separate web page.
  • constraints: This will be a separate web page.

An A project must also do the following:

On each page that defines the above terms, I expect you to write unified paragraphs that integrate Grant-Davie’s words with your own. That means, as you analyze your organization, you should both quote and paraphrase Grant-Davie’s text.

An A project will also have:

a separate Works Cited webpage where you will cite both the organization’s website and Grant-Davie’s article “Rhetorical Situations and Their Constituents.”

Project Timeline

  • T 10/17: Work in class to understand exigence.
  • TH 10/19: Email me at [email protected] indicating who you are working with on your Rhetorical Analysis of Local Activism assignment and which organization you will analyze.
  • TH 10/26: Work in class to understand rhetor.
  • T 10/30: In-class writing workshop! Begin drafting each page of you new website, with a focus on audience.
  • T 11/7: In-class writing workshop, part 2! Continue drafting your sites. Andrea will circulate to answer questions.
  • T 11/14: Look at each other’s draft sites in class. You must have a draft website available in class to get credit for your work.
  • TH 11/16: Final in-class workshop day for this assignment.
  • T 11/21: FINAL PROJECT DUE. I will offer your group feedback and you will have a chance to revise based on that feedback.